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Past SRA Meeting Documents & Minutes

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SRA 2023-2024 Official Attendance

SRA 23P – March 24, 2024

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
First Year Council Report
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Associate Vice-President (Internal Governance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Finance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Municipal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Provincial & Federal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Services) Report
Associate Vice-President (University Affairs) Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
President Report
Elections – SRA Generals Report
OUSA General Assembly Report
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – Education & Advocacy Department
Operating Policy – Education & Advocacy Department

SRA 23O – February 25, 2024
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23N – February 4, 2024
President Report
Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Elections – SRA Seat Allocation Report
Elections – MSU Presidential Election Report
Leave of Absence Request – Zimo Wang

SRA 23N – February 4, 2024
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23K – November 26, 2023
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23L – January 7, 2024
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23M – January 21, 2024
First-Year Council Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report

SRA 23M – January 21, 2024

Notice of Corporate Meeting – MSU Inc
Memo – Allocation of Operational Funds

Business Caucus Report
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education)  Report

SRA 23L – January 7, 2024

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23J – November 12, 2023
University Affairs Committee Report
Arts and Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Elections Department – November SRA By-Elections Report
CASA Advocacy Week Report
OUSA Student Advocacy Conference Report

Added to the agenda:
Leave of Absence Request – Jovan Popovic
Leave of Absence Request – Zimo Wang
Leave of Absence Request – Kevin Hu

SRA 23K – November 26, 2023

First Year Council Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Elections Department – SRA October By-Election Report
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 10/A – Delegate Selection
Proposed Changes to Bylaw 10/A – Delegate Selection

SRA 23J – November 12, 2023

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 10/A – Delegate Selection
Proposed Changes to Bylaw 10/A – Delegate Selection

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23H – October 15, 2023 (amended)
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23I – October 29, 2023 (amended)
Health Sciences Report
Humanities Report
Kinesiology Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
OUSA General Assembly Report
Memo – Motion in support of McMaster students and student groups affected by Middle East violence

SRA 23I – October 29, 2023

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – MSU Inc – SRA 23E – July 23, 2023
Memo – Audited Financial Statements
Audited Financial Statements
Memo – TwelvEighty Capital Request
Quote – TwelvEighty TVs
Quote – TwelvEighty cables, etc. 

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 3 – Student Representative Assembly
Proposed Changes to Bylaw 3 – Student Representative Assembly

FYC Report
Arts & Science Report
Business Report
Engineering Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report

For Information – Delegations from the Floor:
Incite Magazine – Finance Committee Recommendations
Incite Magazine – Questions & Answers
Incite Magazine – Budget

McMaster Marching Band – Finance Committee Recommendations
McMaster Marching Band – Questions & Answers
McMaster Marching Band – Budget

Ombuds Report

OPIRG – Finance Committee Recommendations
OPIRG – Questions & Answers
OPIRG – Budget

SRA 23H – October 15, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23G – September 24, 2023
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report (late)
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Elections Department Report (FYC Election)
Memo – Ratification of Electoral Appeal Board Members
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – President’s Council
Operating Policy – President’s Council

For information:
Finance Committee – Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Recommendations
Finance Committee – EWB Questions & Answers
EWB Budget
EWB Presentation

Finance Committee – McMaster Solar Car Recommendations
Finance Committee – McMaster Solar Car Questions & Answers
McMaster Solar Car Budget
McMaster Solar Car Presentation

SRA 23G – September 24, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23F – September 10, 2023
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Business Related Expenses
Operating Policy – Business Related Expenses
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Clubs Financial Procedures
Operating Policy – Clubs Financial Procedures
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Role of the MSU in Labour Disputes
Operating Policy – Role of the MSU in Labour Disputes

SRA 23F – September 10, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23E– July 23, 2023
Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report (late)
Engineering Caucus Report (not submitted)
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
President Report
Executive Board Report
Elections Committee Report

Memo – Environmental Sustainability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Environmental Sustainability
Memo – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability
Memo – Student Engagement and Retention
Policy Paper – Student Engagement and Retention

Arts & Science Yearplan
Kinesiology Yearplan
Business Yearplan
Engineering Yearplan – not submitted

SRA 23E – July 23, 2023

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Increasing EFRT’s Operating Budget

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed changes to Bylaw 12- First-Year Council
Bylaw 12 – First-Year Council

Memo – Proposed changes to Elections Department
Bylaw 7 – Elections
Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures
Operating Policy – Elections Department
Operating Policy – Elections Committee

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23B – April 16, 2023
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23D – June 25, 2023
President Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Finance) Report (late)
Executive Board Report
OUA Conference Report
CASA Foundations Conference Report

Memo – Environmental Sustainability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Environmental Sustainability
Memo – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability
Memo – Student Engagement and Retention
Policy Paper – Student Engagement and Retention

Arts & Science Yearplan

SRA 23D – June 25, 2023

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc.)
Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc.)

Minutes to be approved – SRA 23A – April 1 & 2, 2023
Minutes to be approved – SRA 23C – April 30, 2023
President Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Executive Board Report
Memo – Waiving section 3.1 of Operating Policy – Service Creation & Review

President Yearplan
Vice-President (Administration) Yearplan
Health Sciences Yearplan
Humanities Yearplan
Sciences Yearplan

SRA 23C – April 30, 2023

Memo – Environmental Sustainability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Environmental Sustainability
Memo – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability Policy Paper
Policy Paper – Tuition and Post Secondary Education Affordability
Memo – Student Engagement and Retention
Policy Paper – Student Engagement and Retention

SRA 23B – April 16, 2023

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 22C – April 24, 2022
Minutes to be approved – 22D – June 26, 2022
Minutes to be approved – 22F – September 11, 2022
Memo – Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
Operating Budget
Capital Budget

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 22C – April 24, 2022
Minutes to be approved – 22D – June 26, 2022
Operating Budget
Capital Budget

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22Q – March 26, 2023

SRA 23A – April 1 & 2, 2023 – 10:00am


Speaker Candidates:

Vice-President (Administration) Candidates:

  • Vithuyan Sugumar

Vice-President (Finance) Candidates:

  • Craig Dawdy

Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

  • Tinson Chen

SRA 2022-2023 Official Attendance

SRA 22Q – March 26, 2023

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 9 – Financial Affairs
Bylaw 9 – Financial Affairs

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – 2021-22 MSU Audited Statements
2021-22 MSU Audited Statements

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22N – February 12, 2023
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22P – March 12, 2023
Arts & Science Caucus Report (not submitted)
Business Caucus Report (not submitted)
Engineering Caucus Report (not submitted)
First Year Council Report (not submitted)
Health Sciences Caucus Report (not submitted)
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report (not submitted)
Nursing Caucus Report (not submitted)
Science Caucus Report (not submitted)
Social Sciences Caucus Report (not submitted)
Associate Vice-President (Internal Governance) Report (not submitted)
Associate Vice-President (Finance) Report (not submitted)
Associate Vice-President (Municipal Affairs) Report (not submitted)
Associate Vice-President (Provincial & Federal Affairs) Report (not submitted)
Associate Vice-President (Services) Report
Associate Vice-President (University Affairs) Report (not submitted)
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Administration) Report (not submitted)
President Report (not submitted)
Elections – MSU Presidential Election & SRA Generals Report (not submitted)
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Valedictorian Selection
Operating Policy – Valedictorian Selection

SRA 22P – March 12, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22M – January 29, 2023
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22O – February 26, 2023
First Year Council Report (submitted late)
Health Sciences Report (not submitted)
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report (submitted late)
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Finance) Report (submitted late)
General Assembly Planning Committee Report

Memo – Operating Policy – Business Related Expenses
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Business Related Expenses

SRA 22O – February 26, 2023

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report (not submitted)
Engineering Caucus Report (not submitted)
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report 
Executive Board Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Administration) Report

Memo – Operating Policy – Welcome Week Awards
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Welcome Week Awards

SRA 22N – February 12, 2023

First-Year Council Report (submitted late)
Nursing Caucus Report (not submitted)
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
University Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
President Report (submitted late)

Memo – Operating Policies – Changes to Hiring Boards
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Maccess
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Emergency First Response Team (EFRT)
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Diversity + Equity Network (DEN)
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Food Collective Centre (FCC)
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Pride Community Centre (PCC)
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Student Health Education Centre (SHEC)
Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Women + Gender Equity Network (WGEN)

Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – MSU Governance & You Committee
Operating Policy – MSU Governance & You Committee
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Interfaith Council
Operating Policy – Interfaith Council

SRA 22M – January 29, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22L – January 15, 2023
Health Sciences Report (submitted late)
Humanities Report
Kinesiology Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Education) Report

SRA 22L – January 15, 2023

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22J – November 13, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22K – November 27, 2022
Arts & Science Caucus Report (not submitted)
Business Caucus Report (not submitted)
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report (submitted late)
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Finance) Report
OUSA Student Advocacy Conference Report

Year Plans
Arts & Science Caucus
Kinesiology Caucus

SRA 22K – November 27, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22I – October 30, 2022
First-Year Council Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report (submitted late)
Nursing Caucus Report (not submitted)
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report (submitted late)
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report (submitted late)
Memo – HSR Referendum

For Information:
Presentation – McMaster University Privacy Office
Finance Committee Memo – Incite Recommendations
Finance Committee – Incite Questions and Answers
Incite Budget

SRA 22J – November 13, 2022

First-Year Council Report (not submitted)
Internal Governance Committee Report (submitted late)
Health Sciences Caucus Report (submitted late)
Humanities Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
Elections Department – SRA & FYC October by-elections Report
OUSA General Assembly Conference Report
Memo – Proposed Solar Car Referendum
Memo – Proposed Engineers without Borders Referendum
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – MSU Students of Distinction Award
Operating Policy – MSU Students of Distinction Award

For Information:
Finance Committee – OPIRG Recommendations
Finance Committee – OPIRG Questions & Answers
OPIRG Budgets – Proposed 22/23 & 21/22 Actuals

SRA 22I – October 30, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22H – October 16, 2022
First-Year Council Report (not submitted)
Business Caucus Report (not submitted)
Engineering Caucus Report (late)
Internal Governance Committee Report (not submitted)
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Elections Department – FYC Elections Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report

For Information:
Finance Committee – Solar Car Questions & Answers
Projected Solar Car Budget 2022-2023
Solar Car Budget 2021-2022

Added to the Agenda:
Finance Committee – Solar Car Recommendations
Finance Committee – EWB Recommendations
Finance Committee – EWB Questions & Answers
EWB Budget
Finance Committee – McMaster Marching Band Recommendations
Finance Committee – MMB Questions & Answers
MMB Budgets

SRA 22H – October 16, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22F – September 11, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22G – September 25, 2022
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report (not submitted)
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report (not submitted)
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report

Memo – OUSA Fall 2022 General Assembly Delegate Ratification

SRA 22G – September 25, 2022

Health Sciences Caucus Report (not submitted)
Humanities Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (not submitted)
Finance Committee Report (not submitted)
Executive Board Report (not submitted)
Vice-President (Administration) Report

Social Sciences Caucus Year Plan

To be added to the agenda:
Report – Student Union Development Summit (SUDS)

SRA 22F – September 11, 2022

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Capital Expense Request – Campus Events

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures
Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22D – June 26, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22E – July 17, 2022
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report (submitted late)
Internal Governance Committee Report (submitted late)
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report (submitted late)
Memo – Election Dates

SRA 22E – July 17, 2022

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 12 – First-Year Council
Bylaw 12 – First-Year Council 

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22C – April 24, 2022
President Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report
Memo – Clubs Ratification 
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 12 – First-Year Council 
Bylaw 12 – First-Year Council 
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – Education & Advocacy Department 
OP – Education & Advocacy Department

Health Sciences
Humanities (to be added, submitted late)

SRA 22D – June 26, 2022

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Operating Budget Adjustment
Advocacy – 2022-2023 Budget
Elections – 2022-2023 Budget
FYC – 2022-2023 Budget
Maroons – 2022-2023 Budget
PCC – 2022-2023 Budget
WGEN – 2022-2023 Budget
Proposed Capital Budget 2022-23

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Proposed Capital Budget 2022-23

Minutes to be approved – SRA 22A – April 2 & 3, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 22B – April 10, 2022
President Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report

Year Plans 

Vice-President (Administration) (submitted late)
Vice-President (Education) (submitted late)
Vice-President (Finance) (not submitted)

Business Caucus (not submitted)
Engineering Caucus
Health Sciences Caucus (not submitted)
Humanities Caucus (not submitted)
Science Caucus (submitted late)
Social Sciences Caucus (not submitted)

SRA 22C – April 24, 2022

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Budget
Proposed Operating Budget 2022-23
Proposed Capital Budget 2022-23
Notice of Motion
Minutes to be approved – MSU Inc – 20Q – March 21, 2021
Minutes to be approved – MSU Inc – 21Q – March 13, 2022

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Proposed Capital Budget 2022-23
Notice of Motion
Minutes to be approved – CFMU Inc – 20Q – March 21, 2021
Minutes to be approved – CFMU Inc – 21Q – March 13, 2021

Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Communications Strategies
Operating Policy – Communications Strategies
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Diversity Services
Operating Policy – Diversity Services

SRA 22B – April 10, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21Q – March 13, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21R – March 27, 2022

SRA 22A –  April 2 & 3, 2022 – 10:00am EST

Vice-Presidential & Speaker Elections – Open Ballot Results


Speaker Candidates:

Vice-President (Administration) Candidates:

Vice-President (Finance) Candidates:

Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

Official Attendance for the 2021/22 SRA

SRA 21R – March 27, 2022

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
First Year Council Report
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Associate Vice-President (Internal Governance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Finance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Municipal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Provincial & Federal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Services) Report
Associate Vice-President (University Affairs) Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
President Report
Elections – MSU Presidential Election & SRA Generals Report
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – WGEN
Operating Policy – WGEN
Memo – Wage Review Committee Recommendations

SRA 21Q- March 13, 2022

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 21B – MSU Inc – April 18, 2021
Minutes to be approved – 21E – MSU Inc – June 13, 2021
Minutes to be approved – 21L – MSU Inc – November 28, 2021
Memo – 2020-2021 Financial Audited Statements
2020-2021 Audited Financial Report
2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements
2020-2021 Audited Financial Report – MSU Child Care

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 21B – CFMU Inc – April 18, 2021
Minutes to be approved – 21E – CFMU Inc – June 13, 2021
Memo – 2020-2021 Financial Audited Statements

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21O – February 6, 2022
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21P – February 27, 2022
First Year Council Report (submitted late)
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report (submitted late)
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report (submitted late)
General Assembly Planning Committee Report

For Information:
McMaster Divestment Project

SRA 21P – February 27, 2022

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Memo – 2022-2023 Clubs Ratification

SRA 21O – February 6, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21N – January 23, 2022
First Year Council Report (submitted late)
Nursing Caucus Report (submitted late)
Science Caucus Report
Social Science Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
University Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
President Report
Elections Report (submitted late)
Campus Media Adhoc Committee Report – The Silhouette
Campus Media Adhoc Committee Report – CFMU
Memo – Operating Policy – The Silhouette
Proposed Amendments to Operating Policy – The Silhouette
Memo – Operating Policy – The Silhouette Board of Publication
Proposed Amendments to Operating Policy – The Silhouette Board of Publication
Memo – Operating Policy – Document Management
Proposed Amendments to Operating Policy – Document Management

SRA 21N – January 23, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21M – January 9, 2022
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report

SRA 21M – January 9, 2022

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21L – November 28, 2021 (amended)
Arts and Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report (submitted late)
Engineering Caucus Report (submitted late)
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Finance) Report (submitted late)
Leave of Absence Request – Denver Della-Vedova

Added to the Agenda:
Leave of Absence Request – Aisha Baig
Leave of Absence Request – Sarphina Chui

SRA 21L – November 28, 2021

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Request for Capital Allocation and Expenditure
Campus Screens – Quote
Campus Screens – Specs
Campus Screens – Additional Specs 

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21J – October 31, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21K – November 14, 2021
First Year Council Report
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Presentation – Sustainability in the MSU

SRA 21K – November 14, 2021

Business Caucus Report (submitted late)
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report (submitted late)
Kinesiology Caucus Report (submitted late)
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
President Report
Memo – McMaster Marching Band Recommendation from Finance Committee
Memo – McMaster Solar Car Recommendation from Finance Committee

For Information – Bylaw 9 Groups 

McMaster Marching Band Budget
McMaster Marching Band Questions
McMaster Marching Band Presentation
McMaster Solar Car Budget
McMaster Solar Car Questions
McMaster Solar Car Spending To Date
McMaster Solar Car Presentation

SRA 21J – October 31, 2021

Arts and Science Caucus Report
Business Report
Engineering Report
Internal Governance Committee Report (submitted late)
Services Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Education) Report (submitted late)

SRA 21I – October 17, 2021

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed waiving of Section 5.4.2 in Operating Policy – Education and Advocacy Department and Sections 10.1.2 and in Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process
Operating Policy – Education and Advocacy Department
Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20Q – March 21, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21H – September 26, 2021
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
University Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Memo – Open Educational Resources (OERs)
Memo – Operating Policy – Space Allocation & Audit Committee
Operating Policy – Space Allocation & Audit Committee

SRA 21H – September 26, 2021 

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21G – September 12, 2021
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report (submitted late)
Kinesiology Caucus Report (submitted late)
Finance Committee Report (submitted late)
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report (submitted late)
Executive Board Report (submitted late)
Vice-President (Administration) Report

SRA 21G – September 12, 2021 – 5:00pm EDT

Notice of Motion
Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21F – July 18, 2021
Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
Tentative Elections Schedule for 2021/2022

Added to the Agenda:
Memo – Equitable Purchasing and BDS
Equitable Purchasing and BDS Statement

SRA 21F – July 18, 2021 – 12:00pm EDT

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21E – June 13, 2021
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
President Report
Memo – Advocacy Policy Selection (Fall)

Year Plans 

Vice-President (Administration)
Vice-President (Education)
Vice-President (Finance)

Arts & Science Caucus
Business Caucus
Engineering Caucus
Health Sciences Caucus
Humanities Caucus
Kinesiology Caucus
Nursing Caucus
Science Caucus
Social Sciences Caucus

SRA 21E – June 13, 2021 – 12:00pm EDT

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)

Minutes to be approved – SRA 21A – April 10 & 11, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21C – April 25, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21D – May 16, 2021
President Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report

SRA 21D –  May 16, 2021 – 12:00pm EDT


Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

  • Tyler Woo

SRA 21C –  April 25, 2021 – 10:00am EDT

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20O – February 21, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 20P – March 7, 2021
Minutes to be approved – SRA 21B – April 18, 2021

Speaker Candidates:

  • Zoe Tsai

Vice-President (Administration) Candidates:

  • Christina Devarapalli

Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

  • Adam Gallant

Memo – Membership in Undergraduates of Canadian Research-Intensive Universities (UCRU)
UCRU Bylaw Draft
Campus Media Ad Hoc Committee – Terms of Reference and Committee Structure
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Central Support Services
Operating Policy – Central Support Services
Operating Policy – Information Technology Department
Operating Policy – Accounting Department
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Information Systems Committee
Operating Policy – Information Systems Committee

SRA 21B –  April 18, 2021 – 10:00am EDT

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for 2021/22
Proposed 2021/22 Operating Budget
Proposed 2021/22 Capital Budget

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Proposed 2021/22 Operating Budget
Proposed 2021/22 Capital Budget

Sustainability Education Committee Report

SRA 21A – April 10 & 11, 2021 – 10:00am EDT


Vice-President (Administration) Candidates:

  • Christina Devarapalli

SRA 20Q – March 21, 2021

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – MSU Inc – 20L – January 10, 2021
Memo – Proposed Amendments to Corporate Bylaws 1-3
Corporate Bylaw 1 – McMaster Students Union Incorporated
Corporate Bylaw 2 – Borrowing, Securities & Liabilities 
Corporate Bylaw 3 – Finances
Memo – Campus Media

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – CFMU Inc – 20L – January 10, 2021 

Notice of Corporate Motions (CFMU Inc)
Memo – Proposed Changes to CFMU Bylaw 2 – Operations
CFMU Bylaw 2 – Operations
Memo – Creation of Policy The Silhouette 
CFMU Operating Policy 9 – The Silhouette
Memo – Creation of Policy The Silhouette Board of Publications
CFMU Operating Policy 10 – The Silhouette Board of Publications

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process
Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process

Notice of Motion 2
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 4 – Officers
Bylaw 4 – Officers
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 4/A – Executive Remuneration
Bylaw 4/A – Executive Remuneration
Memo – Suspension of sections for Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Procedures & Operating Policy – Education & Advocacy Department

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
First Year Council Report
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Associate Vice-President (Internal Governance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Finance) Report
Associate Vice-President (Municipal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Provincial & Federal Affairs) Report
Associate Vice-President (Services) Report
Associate Vice-President (University Affairs) Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
President Report
Elections – SRA Generals Report
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – The Silhouette and Operating Policy – The Silhouette Board of Publication
Memo – Suspend Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process  and Operating Policy – Education and Advocacy Department
Memo – Amending MSU Macademics & Awards Policies
Operating Policy – MSU Macademics
Operating Policy – Awards & Distinctions
Operating Policy – Honour M Award
Operating Policy – J. Lynn Watson Award for Community Service
Operating Policy – MSU Spirit Award
Operating Policy – MSU Merit Scholarship Award
Operating Policy – Rudy Heinzl Award of Excellence
Proposed Operating Policy – MSU Teaching Awards
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – Compass Information Centre
Memo – Operating Policy – Services
Operating Policy – Services
Memo – Peer Support and Spark Policy Changes
Operating Policy – Pride Community Centre (PCC)
Operating Policy – Spark
Operating Policy – Maccess
Operating Policy – Student Health Education Centre (SHEC)
Operating Policy – Diversity Services
Operating Policy – Women and Gender Equity Network (WGEN)
Memo – Operating Policy – Vice-Presidential & Speaker Elections
Operating Policy – Vice-Presidential & Speaker Elections

SRA 20P – March 7, 2021

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures
Bylaw 7/A – Electoral Procedures

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20N – February 7, 2021
First Year Council Report
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Student Choice Initiative Report
Memo – Clubs Ratification
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Clubs Status and Operating Policy – Clubs Financial Procedures
Operating Policy – Clubs Status
Operating Policy – Clubs Financial Procedures
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Elections Committee
Operating Policy – Elections Committee

Added to the Agenda
Memo – Full-Time Staff and MSU Transparency

SRA 20O – February 21, 2021

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process
Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20M – January 24, 2021
Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Elections – Presidential Election Report
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Welcome Week Charitable Giving
Operating Policy – Welcome Week Charitable Giving

Added to the Agenda
Memo – Respondus
Respondus Statement

SRA 20N – February 7, 2021

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 3 – Student Representative Assembly
Bylaw 3 – Student Representative Assembly

First Year Council Report
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
2021-2022 SRA Seat Allocation Report
Memo – General Assembly Delivery Platform

SRA 20M – January 24, 2021

Notice of Motion
Memo – Proposed Changes to Bylaw 12 – First Year Council
Bylaw 12 – First Year Council

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20L – January 10, 2021
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Federal Lobby Week Report

Added to the Agenda
Memo – Hong Kong Solidarity Statement
Hong Kong Solidarity Statement

SRA 20L – January 10, 2021

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 19C – MSU Inc – April 28, 2019
Minutes to be approved – 19M – MSU Inc – December 8, 2019
Minutes to be approved – 20G – MSU Inc – September 27, 2020
Memo – 2019-2020 Financial Audited Statements
2019-2020 Audited Financial Report
2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 19C – CFMU Inc – April 28, 2019
Minutes to be approved – 19J – CFMU Inc – October 20, 2019
Minutes to be approved – 20C – CFMU Inc – June 14, 2020
Minutes to be approved – 20G – CFMU Inc – September 27, 2020
Memo – 2019-2020 Financial Audited Statements

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20J – November 15, 2020
Minutes to be approved – SRA 20K – November 29, 2020
Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – MSU Horizons

SRA 20K – November 29, 2020

Notice of Motion
Memo – Relocation & Renaming of Bylaws & Policies
Memo – Adoption of Proposed Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process
Proposed Bylaw 8 – Policy Approval Process

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20H – October 18, 2020
First Year Council Report
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Sciences Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – Network Access Protocol
Memo – Proposed Operating Policy – Welcome Week Charitable Giving
Proposed Operating Policy – Welcome Week Charitable Giving

Vice-President (Administration)

SRA 20J – November 15, 2020

Minutes to be approved – SRA 20G – September 27, 2020
Minutes to be approved – SRA 20I – November 1, 2020
Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
OUSA General Assembly Report
Memo – Changes to Ombuds Terms of Reference
Ombuds Terms of Reference – Tracked Changes
Ombuds Terms of Reference – Final
Memo – Undergraduates of Canadian Research-Intensive Universities (UCRU)

**To be added to the Agenda at the meeting:
Municipal Affairs Committee Year Plan

SRA 20I – November 1, 2020 

Arts & Science Caucus
Business Caucus
Engineering Caucus
First Year Council
Internal Governance Committee
Services Committee
Executive Board
Vice-President (Education)
Elections Report – FYC
Memo – Amend Operating Policy – Ancillary Operations
Proposed Amendments to Operating Policy – Ancillary Operations
Approval of Electoral Appeal Board Members

SRA 20H – October 18, 2020 

Minutes to be approved – 20F – September 13, 2020
Nursing Caucus Report
Science Caucus Report
Social Science Caucus Report
Municipal Affairs Committee Report
University Affairs Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
Memo – Club Ratification – COCA
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – Peer Support Promotions Working Group
Memo – Policy Organization Overhaul
Memo – McMaster Marching Band Recommendation from Finance Committee
Memo – McMaster Solar Car Recommendation from Finance Committee
Memo – OPIRG Recommendation from Finance Committee
Memo – Engineers Without Borders – 2020/2021 Budget Approval Recommendation from Finance Committee
Memo – Incite Magazine – 2020/2021 Budget Approval Recommendation from Finance Committee

For Information – Bylaw 5 Groups 

McMaster Marching Band Budget
McMaster Marching Band Questions
McMaster Solar Car Budget
McMaster Solar Car Questions
OPIRG Budget
OPIRG Questions 

*Added to the Agenda at the meeting
Memo – OUSA General Assembly Delegate Ratification

SRA 20G – September 27, 2020 

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 20C – MSU Inc – June 14, 2020

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)

Health Sciences Caucus Report
Humanities Caucus Report
Kinesiology Caucus Report
Provincial & Federal Affairs Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Executive Board Report
Vice-President (Administration) Report
Memo – Rescind Operating Policy – Marmor
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – Bereavement
Operating Policy – Bereavement

For Information – Bylaw 5 Groups 

Engineers Without Borders Budget
EWB Questions
Incite Magazine Budget
Incite Questions

SRA 20F – September 13, 2020

Minutes to be approved – 20C – June 14, 2020
Minutes to be approved – 20D – July 12, 2020
Minutes to be approved – 20E – Emergency Meeting – August 23, 2020

Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

Arts & Science Caucus Report
Business Caucus Report
Engineering Caucus Report
Internal Governance Committee Report
Services Committee Report
Executive Board Report
President Report
Tentative Elections Schedule
Memo – Waiving Section 3.1 Bylaw 10A
Memo – Waive Section 3.3 of Bylaw 10/A – Electoral Procedures
Memo – Waive Section 3.1 of Bylaw 10/A – Electoral Procedures

SRA 20E – August 23, 2020 (Emergency Meeting @ 10:00am) 


Vice-President (Education) Candidates:

SRA 20D – July 12, 2020 – 10am 

Vice-President (Administration) Report
Vice-President (Education) Report
Vice-President (Finance) Report
President Report
Memo – Clubs Ratification (July) 

Year Plans 

Vice-President (Administration)
Vice-President (Education)
Vice-President (Finance)

Arts & Science Caucus
Business Caucus
Engineering Caucus
Health Sciences Caucus
Humanities Caucus
Kinesiology Caucus
Nursing Caucus
Science Caucus
Social Sciences Caucus

Vice-President (Administration) Candidates: 

**Added to the Agenda at the meeting
Zoom Security Concern Statement #1
Zoom Security Concern Statement #2

SRA 20C – June 14, 2020 – 10am 

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 19Q – MSU Inc – February 23, 2020
Minutes to be approved – 19R – MSU Inc – March 8, 2020
Minutes to be approved – 20B – MSU Inc – April 26, 2020

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)
Minutes to be approved – 20B – CFMU Inc – April 26, 2020

Minutes to be approved – SRA 19R – March 8, 2020
Minutes to be approved – SRA 20A – April 18 & 19, 2020
Minutes to be approved – SRA 20B – April 26, 2020
Memo – Proposed Changes to Operating Policy – Sustainability Education Committee
Operating Policy – Sustainability Education Committee
Online Proctoring Document

**To be added to the Agenda at the meeting
Memo – Security Services Stance
Motion for Security Services Stance

SRA 20B – April 26, 2020 – 10am 

Notice of Corporate Meeting (MSU Inc)
Memo – Proposed Budget for 2020-2021
Proposed Operating Budget for 2020-2021
Proposed Capital Budget for 2020-2021 

Notice of Corporate Meeting (CFMU Inc)

Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Executive Remuneration
Operating Policy – Executive Remuneration
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Emergency First Response Team (EFRT) & EFRT Advisory Council
Operating Policy – Emergency First Response Team (EFRT)
Operating Policy – EFRT Advisory Committee
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – Sponsorship & Donations
Operating Policy – Sponsorship & Donations
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – MSU Maroons
Operating Policy – MSU Maroons
Memo – Proposed changes to Operating Policy – MSU Pride Community Centre (PCC)
Operating Policy – MSU Pride Community Centre (PCC)
Memo – Board of Directors Transition
Notice of Motion
Memo – Bylaw 1 – Definitions
Bylaw 1 – Definitions
Memo – Bylaw 11 – Awards & Distinctions
Bylaw 11 – Awards & Distinctions
Memo – Bylaw 13 – External Representation
Bylaw 13 – External Representation

SRA 20A – April 18 & 19, 2020 – 10am 

Vice-President (Administration) Candidates: 

Vice-President (Education) Candidates: 

Vice-President (Finance) Candidates:

Speaker Candidates: 

Approved Minutes

Expandable List