Committee seats available for 2022-2023 academic year
The MSU utilizes an array of student-run committees to facilitate its advocacy work, student service delivery, and democratic functions. Below, there is a list of committees looking for students to join. All full-time, undergraduate students (enrolled in 18 or more units) are MSU members and therefore eligible to join one of the committees looking for student participants.
Student involvement in the committees of the MSU is very important and valuable to the democratic process. Having general MSU members on committees ensures that the decision making process reflects a wide cross-section of the student population. Below is a list of all the MSU committees that have available seats. Full-time, undergraduate student (enrolled in 18 or more units over the course of 2022/2023) interested in being part of a committee, may email their name, indicate a preferred email address, and include a brief statement as to why they want to join the committee, to the MSU Speaker via by June 26 at 10:00am (EST). Doing so will nominate a student for a seat on said committee(s). One’s brief statement will be read aloud at the SRA during their meeting on June 26 and will help SRA members elect nominees to the respective committees. Separate statements may be provided for each committee nomination, or one may indicate to the Speaker that the same statement may be used for all nominations. Each committee below will meet periodically during the academic year.
Committees looking for students to join:
Child Care Centre Advisory Committee (1 seats):
The Child Care Centre Advisory Committee seats can go to EITHER MSU or SRA members. The Child Care Centre Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to the Child Care Centre, and allows for consultative management of the service. This advisory committee allocates money received through fundraising, promotes the interest of the Child Care Centre, and makes recommendations to the SRA on continued improvements to the centre. For more information, refer to Operating Policy – Child Care Centre Advisory Committee.
General Assembly Planning Committee (1 seat):
The General Assembly Planning Committee provides recommendations regarding the promotion, organization, and execution of GA meetings. The committee assists with promotion, organization, and execution of GA meetings, as well as determining the schedule, date, and location of GA meetings. For more information, refer to Bylaw 6 – General Assembly.
MSU Governance & You Committee (2 seats):
The MSU Governance &You Committee was created to increase the diversity and representation of student government at McMaster in terms of but not limited to gender, race, sexuality, ability, Indigenous status, and other underrepresented groups. The working group shall focus on governing bodies of the MSU including the SRA, the Executive Board, and the Board of Directors, while also recognizing the need for and advocating for increased diversity and representation in McMaster governing bodies outside of the MSU. The working group meets at least twice per month, with the Chair being elected from the membership of the working group. For more information, refer to Operating Policy – MSU Governance & You Committee.
MSU Sustainability Education Committee (2 seats):
The MSU Sustainability Education Group was created to represent undergraduate student interests on sustainability issues, and will be focusing on raising awareness of environmental issues, assisting in developing and implementing the MSU and university environmental policies, and creating educational campaigns and resources that create a more environmentally aware and sustainable campus. For more information, refer to Operating Policy – MSU Sustainability Education Committee.
Teaching Awards Committee (4 seats):
The Teaching Awards Committee (TAC) recognizes and encourages excellence in teaching at McMaster by awarding the MSU Teaching Awards, on behalf of MSU members. The TAC shall support the TAC Coordinator in completing their responsibilities, which include promoting that nominations are open, ensuring that the classes of nominees are contacted and evaluation forms are handed out, and assist in planning the ceremony. For more information, refer to Operating Policy – Macademics and Operating Policy – Teaching Awards.
Welcome Week Awards Selection Committees (1 seat):
Students interested in the Welcome Week Awards Selection Committee must not have a conflict of interest (e.g. being a residence rep), and must be available during Welcome Week. The Selection Committees reviews and approves the judgment criteria for each Welcome Week event for the Residence Cup (for residences and SOCS), and Faculty Cup (for academic divisions), and acts as judges for these events. For more information, refer to Operating Policy – Welcome Week Awards.
For more information, please email:
Piper Plavins
MSU Speaker