MSU operational updates for the fall term
The campus of McMaster University has re-opened for the use of libraries, gym facilities, academic spaces, some in-person learning opportunities, campus services, as well as non-academic spaces. Distancing, masking, and vaccination protocols are in effect. Please be aware of the policies and procedures of accessing the physical campus, including mandatory vaccination and daily screening. For all University updates, guidelines, and information related to COVID-19, please visit:
The McMaster Students Union (MSU) continues to plan for a combination of online and in-person service delivery for the fall term, in order to meet the needs of students. All MSU related businesses will open to in-person service operation. TwelvEighty 2GO (M-F 11am-5pm), the Grind (M-F 8am-2pm) and Union Market (M-F 11am-5pm) are open beginning September 7, while Underground Media + Design (T-T 10am-3pm) will open September 14.
The MSU Main Office in MUSC 201 is open to public Tuesdays through Thursdays, from 10am to 1pm. Accounting and administrative support staff will be available to students during these times. In addition, the Board of Directors and/or staff members can be contacted directly via email at any time.
All MSU peer support services, including the Student Health Education Centre (SHEC), the Pride Community Centre (PCC), Diversity Services, Maccess, Diversity Services, and the Women and Gender Equity Network (WGEN) continue to operate online peer support and will offer events and programming within virtual spaces. Follow their respective social media accounts for ongoing programming and peer support options, as well as future updates regarding in-person programming.
Paused during the campus shut-down last year, the Emergency First Response Team (EFRT) and the Student Walk Home Attendant Team (SWHAT) will be available in the fall term. EFRT is on call 24/7, available by calling #88 on any campus phone, or dial 905-522-4135. SWHAT will be available with more limited hours in the fall term, please email to inquire about walk-home assistance.
MSU Campus Events continues to host social events, musical performances and more, via their social media accounts, and will add in-person events as campus regulations permit. Moreover, 93.3 CFMU broadcasts online and at 93.3 on the FM dial. Tune-in for news, music, and cultural programing, catering to the McMaster community. In addition, the Silhouette is publishing news, sports, and opinion on their website, as well as in print for 2021/2022. You can read the Sil online at any point and look for the print issue on campus news stands approximately once a month, in both first and second semester.
At all MSU locations on campus, enhanced safety and cleaning protocols will be deployed. Partitions have been installed at all points of front-line customer service and physical distancing signage is visible on the floors, to help patrons comply with public health guidelines.
The health and dental insurance plans are fully operational. Students may use their health and dental coverage anywhere in Canada. In addition, at no cost, McMaster students, along with their family and housemates, can access the MSU’s Student Assistance Plan (SAP). The SAP, available 24/7 through multi-lingual calls, chats, or texts, provides on-demand counselling with mental health experts, as well as professional consultation in the areas of nutrition, academic success, life skills, legal affairs, and more. Visit the Student Assistance Plan website for more details.
For more information, please contact:
Christina Devarapalli
Vice-President (Administration)
Administration, MSU Services, Vice President (Administration)