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McMaster Students Union

Part Time vs. Full Time Student

A student’s undergraduate degree course load in an academic session will remain the principal determinant for membership in either MAPS (1-17 units) or the MSU (18 or more units). Part-time students are represented by the McMaster Association of Part-time Students (MAPS).

There are some cases where a transfer can be made regardless of the number of credits being taken, but there are strict rules regarding this:

  1. Students Enrolled with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) have the ability to be a part of whichever student group they wish to.
  2. Students in their final academic year of studies, may transfer back into their previous association, provided they were a member of it the year before.
    • Students enrolled in 1-17 units can transfer into the MSU from MAPS, provided they were an MSU member the year before.
    • Students enrolled in 18+ units can transfer into MAPS from the MSU, provided they were a MAPS member in the year before.
  3. Students are required to pay the student fees associated with the student government they choose to be a part of.

The form will open on September 1 and close on October 13, 2023.

There are no fees associated with switching, that being said, students are expected to pay the membership fees associated with the student government they choose to stay with.

Those transferring from MAPS to MSU can expect the following fees being charged to their student accounts:

2023-2024 MSU Membership Fees

Fees administered by the MSU:

  • $152.79 for the MSU Organization Fee
  • $108.00 for the MSU Health Plan
  • $132.00 for the MSU Dental Plan
  • $15.73 for the 93.3 CFMU-FM Operating and Capital Funds
  • $1.87 for World University Service of Canada Refugee Scholarship
  • $241.79 for HSR Bus Pass, payable to the HSR Transit Commission
  • $0.76 per unit to a maximum of 30 units for the MSU-MUSC Operating Fee, payable to MUSC

Fees administered by non-MSU, non-University bodies:

  • $1.17 for, and administered by, Incite
  • $5.50 for, and administered by, OPIRG-McMaster
  • $1.11 for the McMaster Solar Car Project
  • $0.41 for, and administered by, Engineers Without Borders
  • $1.13 for, and administered by, the McMaster Marching Band

McMaster University fees, approved by MSU referenda:

  • $1.44 per unit to a maximum of 30 units for the Transcripts, Letters, Tax Forms & Certificates Fee (Formerly Administrative Services Fee)
  • $8.80 per unit to a maximum of 30 units for the Sports Complex Building Fee
  • $288.14 for the Athletics and Recreation Activity Fee
  • $87.46 for the Student Success Centre
  • $120.49 for the Student Wellness Centre

McMaster University fees, approved by quorate MSU General Assembly:

  • $109.20 Orientation Fee for all Level I, full-time undergraduate students

Students who apply for membership transfers will be contacted from a representative from Student Accounts within 5-7 business days. It is your responsibility to opt-out of any fees within the set out deadlines during this time while waiting for your approval.