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Hamilton Bike Share

In 2023, a petition was circulated to the student body asking if they would support a referendum to introduce a fee for a annual bike pass that would cost students $24.50 including HST, with the option to opt-out. The referendum was held in January of 2024 and approximately 95% of undergraduate student respondents supported the creation of the Hamilton Bike Share pass.

Starting in September 2024, all full-time undergraduate students (enrolled in 18 or more units) hold a 12-month pass to Hamilton Bike Share. The bike share pass grants all applicable students 90 minutes of non-continuous daily access to any Hamilton Bike Share bikes across the city.

The Bike Share pass is valid each academic year (September through August). All full-time undergraduate students (enrolled in 18 or more units) have already paid the Bike Share fee via their student account and have access to the pass. The pass is accessible through the Bike Share app, available on both iOS and Android. A student will access their pass via MacID login.

Hamilton Bike Share will offer an opt-out to all students between September 1 and September 30 of each academic year. Opt-out information will be available soon.

Expandable List

Activation Steps

PLEASE NOTE: If you created a Hamilton Bike Share account prior to August 2024 AND used your McMaster email address as part of registration, you will need to change or remove this email address from your existing account before activating your new Mac U-Pass.

To access the student Hamilton Bike Share pass, please follow the following steps:

  1. Visit and click “Create Account” from the landing page, and then click the button labeled “Login using your McMaster Account”.
  2. To verify your pass eligibility, you will be directed to log in to Mosaic using your MAC ID and password.
  3. Once your student status is verified, you can complete your Hamilton Bike Share account registration.
  4. Download the Social Bicycles app on iOS or Android and login to your new account to start riding!

You can opt out of the Hamilton Bike Share pass between September 1-30 and receive a refund of $24.50.

To opt out and receive a refund, please visit the Hamilton Bike Share office, located below the RJS Stadium Concourse (between the track field and Les Prince). Please bring your student ID. Office hours will be held Monday-Thursday from 10am-2pm throughout September, starting September 3.

Please note that unless you are opting out for accessibility reasons, you will not be able to opt out from the pass if you have already begun to use the Hamilton Bike Share pass.

How was the Mac U-Pass created?

In 2023, the McMaster Students Union passed a referendum to introduce an annual bike pass that would cost undergraduate students $24.50 (including HST) as part of their student fees, with the option to opt-out. The referendum was held in January of 2024 and students overwhelmingly supported it: approximately 95% of undergraduate student respondents supported the creation of the Hamilton Bike Share U-Pass.

Can I get a discounted bike share pass if I’m not a full-time undergraduate student at Mac?

Other members of the McMaster community (including part-time undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, and staff) can access a discounted monthly rate with the McMaster Community Pass. This plan costs $16+HST/month and includes 90 minutes of free riding every day. You must register for this pass with your McMaster email address.

This discounted pass is available thanks to a partnership with McMaster University to promote sustainability and increase bike share access through sponsored hubs and discounted passes.

Do I need a cred card to create my U-Pass account?

A credit card is not required to create a U-Pass account. You may add a credit card or Visa debit card to your account at any time to pay for features that have an additional cost, like riding more than 90 minutes or locking outside of a hub.

Your U-Pass comes with a $10 credit to get you started. Please note that your pass will freeze if your account balance is less than $0. If this happens, contact our Customer Support team for assistance at or visit our on-campus office hours.

What does the U-Pass include?     

The McMaster U-Pass includes 90 minutes of free ride time each day. You will also receive a $10 bike share credit to help cover additional features, such as locking outside of a hub or designated rack (-$1 convenience fee). Any ride time over 90 minutes costs 15¢ per minute.

What if I want to use features that have an additional cost, like riding more than 90 minutes or locking outside of a hub?

To access additional features, like riding more than 90 minutes a day and parking outside of a hub or designated rack, we’ve provided a $10 credit to get you started.

Your Bike Share pass will freeze if your account balance is less than $0. Riders can add a credit card or Visa debit card to their account through the Social Bicycles app – click the account icon in the top right corner, click on your account number, and select “Add payment information”.

Riders can also earn ride credits by returning out of hub bikes back to designated bike share hubs.

How do I start my first trip?

To start a trip, find a bike near you using the interactive map on the Social Bicycles app. Once at the bike, click “Scan to unlock” and scan the QR code on the back of the bike. Wait for 3 green lights and for the bike to chime before removing the U-Bar and placing it in the holster on the side of the bike. You are now ready to ride!

Looking for additional support? Visit @HamOntBikeShare on Instagram or X for rider tips or visit our campus Office Hours in Stadium Concourse on Monday-Thursday from 10am-2pm throughout September.

Where can I ride?

The Hamilton Bike Share service area spans from Dundas to Kenilworth Ave in the lower city, with a seasonal satellite hub at Van Wagner’s beach. You can start your trip from any hub and return the bike to any other hub. You must always end your trip within the service area.

How do I end my trip?
Where can I lock up a bike?

To end your trip, lock your bike to any bike share hub. All hubs are visible on the map in the SoBi app. You do not need to return your bike to the same hub you started from. You must always properly lock your bike to a fixed object like a rack or post.

On campus, you can also lock up for free at any public bike rack. Check the Social Bicycles app to see hubs and designated racks.

You can also lock a bike outside of a hub to a post, pole, or regular off-campus bike rack within the service area for a $1 convenience fee. Earn a 75¢ ride credit by returning an out of hub bike to a bike share hub!

What happens if I lock up a bike outside of the service area?

You must end your trip within the service area. If you lock up a bike outside of the system (i.e. in Burlington, on the Mountain, or east of Kenilworth Ave) there is a cost to our team to collect that bike and you will be charged a $25 retrieval penalty.

All users can see the service area on our map at or on the Social Bicycles app.

My U-Pass isn’t working. What should I do?                                           

Contact our Customer Support team at You can also visit our Bike Share office hours in Stadium Concourse for in-person support. Office hours will be held Monday-Thursday from 10am-2pm throughout September.

I have a transit pass. When would I use bike share?

Bike share complements transit and is great for first and last mile connectivity. Unlike many bus routes, bike share is available 24 hours a day and is a great way to get between your bus/train stop and destination or to avoid inconvenient transfers for a leg of your journey. Bike share can also be a great option to get from one side of campus to another between classes or pop out to local businesses to grab lunch or run errands.

Bike share is also great for leisure! Many riders use the system for fun rides and to integrate more physical activity into their lives.

I already own a bike. Why would I need bike share? When would I use it?

Even those who own a bike can benefit from bike share. For impromptu trips, it’s easy to grab a bike from any station, even if you don’t have your bike with you. If you take transit on a rainy morning, you can take a bike home if the sky clears. If you are worried about bike theft, you can use bike share for trips where your own bike may not be able to be safely stored.

What do I do if the bike is in need of repair?

Hamilton Bike Share maintains all of the bikes. If you check out a bike and it is in need of repair, simply press the repair option in the SoBi app before you lock the bike. This will ensure that the bike is not available for others to ride until it is repaired and it flags it for Hamilton Bike Share staff.

Users can also report any additional issues by emailing

How can I stay safe while riding?

All Hamilton Bike Share bikes come equipped with front and rear lighting, a bell, and reflectors. Here are some other tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable ride:

  • Plan your route: look for designated bike lanes, multi-use trails, and quiet residential streets. Click here for the City of Hamilton’s Bike Map.
  • Stop at stop lights and signs. Yield to pedestrians and be aware of other road users.
  • Ride with the flow of traffic and stay 1 meter from curbs and parked cars. This makes you more visible to other road users.
  • Do not ride on sidewalks. Sidewalks are for slow moving traffic like pedestrians.
  • Be predictable. Ride at a steady pace and use hand signals to let drivers and other cyclists know your intention to turn or stop.

Am I required to wear a helmet?

According to Ontario legislation, cyclists over the age of 18 are not required to wear helmets. All riders who are 16 or ­17 must wear a helmet. Helmets are available to purchase at local bike shops like Freewheel Cycle in Dundas and Downtown Bike Hounds in downtown Hamilton, as well as recreation departments in larger stores (e.g. Canadian Tire, Walmart).